Wednesday 17 December 2014

Friday 12 December 2014

Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum Transport Focus Group Meeting

Proposed meeting next week Monday 15th or Thursday 19th to be confirmed. Contact Pauline if you want to join in the discussions.

Tuesday 9 December 2014

The fair Exchange wishes all Members, Supporters and the Community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The fair Exchange wishes all Members, Supporters and the Community a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and looks forward to your continued support. 

Monday 1 December 2014

The `Knit at Home ' scheme

The `Knit at Home’ scheme hopes to have the first blanket to present to charities, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.  

Research your Family Tree Thursday 18th December 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  I found the date my great granddad died of wounds in the First World War. Join us at Research your Family Tree Thursday 18th December 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

The 9th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe ' Thursday 18th December at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

The 9th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe '  Thursday 18th December at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell.  I hope to report the training to become dementia friendly by local businesses, anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

The Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers on Wednesday 10th December at 7.30pm.

A special offer from The Camera Club, Join the club and take an advantage of up to 50% discount on a beginners photography course starting in January. Contact Pauline for details or come to The Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers on Wednesday 10th December at 7.30pm. There will be a seasonal review of the Year.

Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute

Strictly has started, get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9 pm at The Oulton Institute . Last session before Christmas is 16th December join us to enjoy a Salsa Party.

Head Space Course

Head Space is a course for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  If you know some one who could benefit Contact Pauline for details.

‘2 Wheels Good' Cycle Club in Woodlesford and Oulton

 Have you signed up to ‘2 Wheels Good ' Cycle Club ? It is an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website

The Fair Exchange Sewing class

 The Sewing class is enrolling this month, some people have already signed up, please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

The Fair Exchange Art Class

The weekly Art class continues 2-3pm on Mondays at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. This will run until 15th December and will continue if there is enough interest.Sign up for The New year.

Friday 21 November 2014

O&WNF Open Meeting for all who live or work in the two villages

Sunday 30th November 2.00 to 4.00pm at the Oulton Institute, Quarry Hill, Oulton

Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood Forum has been designated and is now the official organisation charged with drawing up a plan for the villages for at least the next 15 years. This plan, if approved, will become part of planning law and regulate future development.

It is important that everyone who lives or works in Oulton or Woodlesford has an opportunity to contribute to the plan. O&WNF are therefore holding an Open Meeting. Please attend, they need your input and support. Tea/coffee and biscuits will be provided.

More details here...

Saturday 8 November 2014

The Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers Wednesday 12th November at 7.30pm

The Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers on the club night on Wednesday 12th November at 7.30pm will be a review of the Night Time photographs taken in Leeds and a talk on Macro photography. Contact Pauline for details to join the Club or for details about the years programme.

Saturday 1 November 2014

The Fair Exchange at The Oulton Institute Craft and Gift Fair Sunday 16th November

I hope to see you at The Oulton Institute Craft and Gift Fair Sunday 16th November . Contact Pauline for details. 

The `Knit at home’ scheme

The `Knit at home’ scheme hopes to create the first blanket to present to charities, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join. 

The new Create and Chat the monthly Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 27th November, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm.

After a review of Read, Relax, Create and Chat it was recognised the reading session of Read and Relax was rarely used so it was decided to re launch as a Craft and Chat session. A new programme of craft projects will be launched at the new Create and Chat the monthly Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 27th November, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. It will also be the Christmas session, join us for seasonal food and drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Research your Family Tree Thursday 20th November 6pm held at Rothwell Library

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Thursday 20th November 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

`Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 20th November at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

  The 8th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘  Thursday 20th November at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell.  I hope to report the training to become dementia friendly by local businesses, anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Salsa Evening 5th December and Dance Sessions at The Oulton Institute

Salsa Evening Friday 5th December at The Oulton Institute all welcome. Strictly has started, get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Head Space course in Rothwell, Woodlesford and Oulton area

Head Space is a course for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  It is hoped the posters in the doctors surgery will give the number required to run the course. Contact Pauline for details.

Cycling in Woodlesford and Oulton The 2 Wheels Good Cycle Club

 We would love cyclists to contact us and give us your views about cycling around Woodlesford and Oulton. We would love feed back on safe routes, cycle lanes and cycling developments in the area to feed back to the transport focus group of The Oulton and Woodlesford Neighbourhood forum as it develops the Neighbourhood plan .
 Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website

The Fair Exchange Sewing Class

 The Sewing class is enrolling this month, please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class starts Monday 3rd November 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute.

The weekly Art class starts Monday 3rd November 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. This will run for 7 weeks up to Christmas and will continue if there is enough interest. Contact Pauline for more details or to join the class.

Movember raising awareness of Men's Health

Movember - grow your Mo to raise awareness of Men’s Health contact us to find out how you can join us.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

The Fair Exchange at The Blackburn Hall and The Oulton Institute Events

I hope to see you at the Older Peoples Information Day Wednesday 1st  October at The Blackburn Hall and The Oulton Institute Craft and Gift Fair Sunday 16th November.

The Fair Exchange Art Class and Sewing Class enrolling this month in Oulton

The Art class and Sewing class are enrolling this month, please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group Oulton and Woodlesford area.

Interest shown in ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club  an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website.

Head Space Course in Rothwell

Head Space is a course for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were. Places available Contact Pauline for details.

The `Knit at home’ scheme.

The `Knit at home’ scheme hopes for more completed squares to create the first blanket, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join. 

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 30th October, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm.

A new programme of craft projects will be launched at Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 30th October, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Research your Family Tree Thursday 16th October 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Thursday 16th October 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

`Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 9th October 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

  The 7th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is Thursday 9th October  2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell.  1940's theme to raise money for ssafa's The Big brew Up. I hope to report the training to become dementia friendly by the following businesses, Smiffies, The Midland Hotel and Coffee shop, Kennet Lahti, Howgate and Farrar, GJ fish and chips, Farndales fish and chips, and Carmon hair design, and 3 other businesses who are interested in the training. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.


Camera Club night photography, Wednesday 8th October meeting in Leeds at 6.00pm.

The Camera Club will be a practical session on Night Photography on the club night, Wednesday 8th October meeting in Leeds at 6.00pm. Contact Pauline for arrangements where to meet, to join the Club or for details about the years programme.

Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.

Strictly has started, get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Monday 1 September 2014

‘Celebrating Success, the second year of The Fair Exchange’ at The Oulton Institute Friday 12th September 6.30pm.

The Fair Exchange will be ‘Celebrating Success, the second year of The Fair Exchange’ at The Oulton Institute on Friday 12th September 6.30pm start. Come and join us, meet the members and supporters and enjoy food and drink. I also hope to see you at the Woodlesford and Oulton Action Group Funday Sunday 21st September

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme

The `Knit at home’ scheme now has some completed squares to create the first blanket, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join. 

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 25th September, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 25th September, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. Rag rug, Knitting, crocheting and sewing, Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

The fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Thursday 18th September 6pm meet at Rothwell Library

Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ and wondered about your own Family ? Don’t know where to start ? Join us at Research your Family Tree Thursday 18th September 6pm meet at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

Cosy Corner Memory Cafe 4th September Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

  The 6th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is onThursday 4th September at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell. Contact Pauline for details of the carers information programme to be repeated in Leeds. I hope to report soon on the training to become dementia friendly by the following businesses, Smiffies, The Midland Hotel and Coffee shop, Kennet Lahti, Howgate and Farrar, GJ fish and chips, Farndales fish and chips, and Carmon hair design, and 3 other businesses who are interested in the training. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

The Fair Exchange Camera Club Wednesday 10th September at The Two Pointers Woodlesford

The Camera Club will be given a talk about Firework photography on the club night, Wednesday 10th September 7.30pm at The Two Pointers Woodlesford. Photographs taken by members of the Club to be displayed at ‘Celebrating success the second year of the fair Exchange’ will also be discussed. Contact Pauline to join the Club or for details the years programme.

Salsa Sessions Tuesdays at The Oulton Institute.

Now Strictly Come Dancing is due on TV get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute. 

Head Space in Rothwell

Head Space is a course for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  Sessions have been moved to September so as not to miss anyone who may want to join, contact Pauline for details.

The Fair Exchange 2 Wheels Good Cycle Club

Good to see people signing up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club. It is an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website. 

The Fair Exchange Art Class

Details of the Art class will be released soon to match with the new term, please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

Monday 11 August 2014

The `Knit at home’ scheme

The `Knit at home’ scheme now has some completed squares to create the first blanket, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join. 

Read, Relax, Create and Chat Thursday 28th August, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm.

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 28th August, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. Rag Rugging, knitting and sewing session. Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 21st August at 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

Want to follow your own story of Who do you think you are ? Research your Family Tree session Thursday 21st August, 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Cosy Corner Community Memory cafe Thursday 7th August at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

  The 5th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is Thursday 7th August at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall and then every fourth Thursday afternoon with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell. Contact Pauline for details of the next carers information programme held in Leeds as the August date is now fully booked. A ‘big Thank you’ to Smiffies, The Midland Hotel and Coffee shop, Kennet Lahti, Howgate and Farrar, GJ fish and chips, Farndales fish and chips, and Carmon hair design, in Woodlesford and Oulton, who have signed up for the training to become dementia friendly and  3 other businesses who are interested in the training. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Camera Club visit To Roundhay Park on Saturday 9th August and club night Wednesday 13th August 7.30pm.

The Camera Club will visit Roundhay Park on Saturday 9th August, check for entry and where to meet. A review of the photographs taken will be at The Two Pointers Woodlesford on the club night Wednesday 13th August 7.30pm. Contact Pauline to join the club or for details the years programme.

Salsa for beginners and those with more experience on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.

Get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the exsisting groups at Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Head Space Course

Head Space is a course for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  Sessions are planned to start in August after a delay. Contact Pauline for details.

Two Wheels Good Cycle Club

A good response to people signing up to ‘Two Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club. It is an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website

The Fair Exchange Art Class

Details of the Art class will be released soon . Please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

Monday 14 July 2014

New beginners signed up Salsa for beginners course

Some new beginners have signed up for Salsa for Beginners at the Rothwell Carnival, it will be good to see a new group on the beginners course.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Local businesses have signed up dementia friendly training to make Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community.

A ‘Big Thank You’ to, Smiffies, The Midland Hotel and Coffee shop, Kennet Lahti, Howgate and Farrar, GJ fish and chips, Farndales fish and chips, and Carmon hair design, in Woodlesford and Oulton, who have signed up for the training to become dementia friendly and  3 other businesses who are interested in the training. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

The Fair Exchange Head Space course

Head Space is a course offering support for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  Sessions are planned to start on Wednesday afternoons, contact Pauline for details.

The Fair Exchange ‘Two Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club in Woodlesford and Oulton

Good to see people signing up to ‘Two Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club. It is an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website

The Fair Exchange Art Class

Details of the Art class will be released soon as more people have signed up since the May Day Celebration in Rothwell, please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

The `Knit at home’ scheme

The `Knit at home’ scheme now has some completed squares, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join. 

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on 31st July, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm.

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on 31st July, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 17th July, 6pm held at Rothwell Library

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 17th July, 6pm held at Rothwell Library please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings. Inviting new and exsisting members to join us to explore their family history. 

Cosy Corner Memory Cafe Thursday 10th July 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

  The 4th Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is Thursday 10th July at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall and then every fourth Thursday afternoon with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell. Contact Pauline for details of the carers information programme to be held in Leeds in August. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Camera Club visit to Lotherton Hall for Club night on 9th July

The Camera Club will visit Lotherton Hall either on Saturday 5th July, if the weather is good, or on Wednesday 9th July at 6.30pm. A review of the photographs taken will be at The Two Pointers Woodlesford on the club night Wednesday 9th July no later than 8.30pm. Contact Pauline to join the club or for details the years programme.

Salsa sessions in July at The Oulton Institute

Get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute. 
The latest beginners group have completed the course and have now moved up to the improvers group. 

Thursday 5 June 2014

Camera Club

The Camera Club on Wednesday the 11th June will be visiting Temple Newsam, meeting in the main car Park at 6.30pm Followed afterwards by a review of the photographs taken, at The Two Pointers Woodlesford no later than 8.30pm. If you wish to go earlier please let me know and I can let other members of the group know so they can go off to take photographs as time is limited. We were to go on Saturday 7th June for an afternoon visit allowing the Wednesday night Club night to review the photographs taken, however the weather forecast was not good. We look forward to better weather for next months visit to Lotherton Hall. 

Cosy Corner Memory Cafe Thursday 12th June Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

The third Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is Thursday 12th June at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall and then every fourth Thursday afternoon with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell. Join us and grow the community. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline. 

Cosy Corner Memory Cafe

The Cosy Corner Memory Cafe has grown from 12 at the first cafe on the 17th April, to 17 at the second cafe on the 15th May. A good review of The Cosy Corner was written in The Rothwell Record letters page in the May Issue 242. " We have just attended the Cosy Corner cafe and had a wonderful time...Peter Smith reminded us that Tea Cosy cafe started with just eight people..."

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 19th June, 6pm held at Rothwell Library

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 19th June, 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Start your search and discover your roots. please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings. 

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon, 26th June at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm.

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on 26th June, at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. Kniting, crocheting, sewing projects and rag rugging, bring your own or use the material available.

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme

The `Knit at home’ scheme now has bags, Knitting needles, crochet hooks and wool, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out. Join the creative community without leaving home and start with 6 inch squares.  

The Fair Exchange Art class

An Art class is in the final planning stages after more people signed up at the May Day Celebration in Rothwell, please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

Head Space support group in the Woodlesford and Rothwell area

Head Space is a support group for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  Sessions are planned to start on Wednesday afternoons, contact Pauline for details.

Woodlesford Two Wheels Good Cycle Club

‘Two Wheels Good Cycle Club’ is an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or leave a message here for others to reply to. 

Thursday 8 May 2014

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on 29th May 1.30 - 3.30pm , at The Oulton Institute.

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on 29th May, at The Oulton Institute. Contact Pauline as the time has changed from the earlier winter time of 1- 3pm to 1.30- 3.30pm.

Research Your Family Tree session Thursday 22nd May, 6pm held at Rothwell Library

Research Your Family Tree session Thursday 22nd May, 6pm held at Rothwell Library please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings. 

The Fair Exchange 'Knit at home’ scheme

Knit at home’ scheme now has bags, Knitting needles, crochet hooks and wool, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out. 

Friday 2 May 2014

Cosy Corner Memory Cafe Thursday 15th May 2 - 3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall

  The second Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is Thursday 15th May at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall and then every fourth Thursday afternoon with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Camera Club on Wednesday 14th May 6.30pm meeting at Woodlesford Lock

The Camera Club on Wednesday 14th May 6.30pm meeting at Woodlesford Lock, will be starting the second year of the Camera Club with the new programme created at the April review and planning session, looking at trips, visits and the activities for the year ahead, starting with the practical session down at the Canal.

Community Information Event Tuesday 13th May 2014 3.30 - 6pm at The Oulton Institute

 Community Information Event 
Tuesday 13th May 2014 3.30 - 6pm at The Oulton Institute
Trading Standards introducing sessions covering 'Consumer Rights, Scams, Fraud and Rogue Traders, Welfare Reform and benefit changes, Credit and credit reports, how to be a savvy shopper and use comparison websites effectively' 
Crime prevention, Energy advice and how to make your money go further. Contact Pauline for details.

Sunday 13 April 2014

The Fair Exchange 'Knit at Home' Scheme

The `Knit at Home’ scheme now has bags, Knitting needles, crochet hooks and wool, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out. 

The Fair Exchange Read, Relax, Create and Chat Thursday 24th April 2014

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly Reading, Craft and Social afternoon on 24th April, at The Oulton Institute. Contact Pauline as the time will change from the earlier winter time of 1- 3pm to 1.30- 3.30pm. 

Cosy Corner Memory Cafe Thursday 17th April 2014

  A Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ is to start on Thursday 17th April at 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall and then every fourth Thursday afternoon with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Thursday 17th April 2014

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 17th April, 6pm held at Rothwell Library please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings. 

Tuesday 1 April 2014

The Fair Exchange Camera Club Wednesday 9th April 2014

The Camera Club on Wednesday 9th April 7.30pm at The Two Pointers Woodlesford, will be reviewing and discussing good composition in the ‘still life’ photoghraphs taken at the March Club night. The first year of the camera club will be reviewed and planning trips, visits and the activities for the year ahead followed by a meal at The two pointers.

The Fair Exchange Movember Auction

The Movember auction will, hopefully after been on-line, e-mailed to members, as well as on The Fair Exchange facebook page and on  will have raised money for Men’s health research and treatment. Please have a look as there were some technical difficulties and any money raised is for a good cause. A big thank you to Bodymania, and from Sean and myself for all those people sponsoring us and to LUFC, Leeds Rhino’s, YCCC, Iveridge, Paul knights, Options and The barbers for providing items for the auction and all those  bidding to raise money for Movember.

Saturday 15 March 2014

Art Class

Some people are interested and support an Art class that is in the planning stages. Please contact Pauline if you are interested and wish to join us.

Friday 7 March 2014

Making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community

  A Community Memory Cafe on the third Wednesday afternoon once a month at 2-3.30pm is being planned to start in Woodlesford in April with the support and guidance from Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell.
 On the 17th February Peter looked at two venues and at Woodlesford Methodist a group of interested people met Peter to discuss how they could help and ask Peter for information about dementia. 
The next meeting is the 18th March 4pm at Woodlesford Methodist church. Anyone interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Thursday 6 March 2014

Read, Relax, Create and Chat Thursday 27th February

At the Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly craft and social session Thursday 27th February at The Oulton Institute. The new time of 1-3pm was discussed, the earlier time was for young mums to attend the sessions and be able to pick up their children from school. Some of the regular members liked the earlier time in the darker months but felt the 1pm start was a rush. Let us know your views.

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 20th February

At the Research your Family Tree session Thursday 20th February 6pm at Rothwell Library members created their own family tree from the information they had gathered and looked at information that others had put in to build their family tree.   

Salsa at the Oulton Institute Valentine’s Dance .

Four new members have joined the New Year beginners and the more experienced dancers at Salsa sessions Tuesdays 8pm at The Oulton Institute. Four members danced at the Oulton Institute Valentine’s Dance as Salsa was included along with the Modern Sequence and Ballroom Dancing.

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 20th March

Research your Family Tree session Thursday 20th March, 6pm held at Rothwell Library please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings.

Camera Club Wednesday 12th March

The Camera Club on Wednesday 12th March 7.30pm at The Two Pointers Woodlesford, will be a practical session setting up a ‘still life’ to work in small groups to demonstrate good composition. Photography trips and visits, as well as the first year celebration at the April Club night will be discussed.

Salsa sessions Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute

Beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to Salsa sessions Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute. The Salsa Group are hoping to hold a Salsa Dance evening to practice dancing in a social setting later this year. 

Friday 21 February 2014

At Camera Club Wednesday 12th February 7.30pm at The two Pointers Woodlesford photographs taken to demonstrate good composition from the last session were presented and discussed as well as ‘Still life’ photography for the practical session in March, photography trips and visits, as well as the first year celebration in April. 

Place your bids in the Movember Auction of

Leeds Rhino ball

Yorkshire County Cricket minibat 

Yorkshire County Cricket ball

Yorkshire County Cricket Metal bat keyring

Yorkshire County Cricket Wooden bat keyring

Leeds United drawstring Gym bag

Options of Rothwell Men's cut and finish

Paul Knight's Wet Shave

The Barber's Woodlesford gents hair cut

Iverage Hall Health Club 14 Day Pass for 2 people

The Auction is also being launched on TheFairExchange face book page and

Bid for the items and help save men's lives. As they say you've got to be in it to win it !  

Thursday 20 February 2014

Read, Relax, Create and Chat Thursday 27th February

Read, Relax, Create and Chat the monthly craft and social session at the new time of 1-3pm Thursday 27th February at The Oulton Institute. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Research your Family Tree Thursday 20th February 6pm at Rothwell Library. Remember to book a computer, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.
Salsa continues for beginners and those with more experience tonight 18th February at 8pm at The Oulton Institute. Cost £5

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Four new members have joined the New Year beginners and the more experienced dancers at Salsa sessions Tuesdays 8pm at The Oulton Institute. Four members danced at the Oulton Institute Valentine’s Dance as Salsa was included along with the Modern Sequence and Ballroom Dancing.