Tuesday, 1 December 2015

The `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat presented more blankets, hats and toiletries to St George’s Crypt on November 17th. Contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

The `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat presented more blankets, hats and toiletries to St George’s Crypt on November 17th. Contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, 2 -3.30pm Thursday 10th December at The Oulton Institute LS26. Bring your favourite project and something for a Christmas fuddle .

Come to Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon,  2 -3.30pm Thursday 10th December at The Oulton Institute. Bring your favourite project and something for a Christmas fuddle . 

Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree? Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 16th December 6pm held at Rothwell Library LS26.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 16th December 6pm held at Rothwell Library. 

Cosy Corner Community Cafe Christmas Party Thursday 17th December 2 -3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS26.

 Cosy Corner Community Cafe Christmas Party Thursday 17th December 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? The Fair Exchange Camera Club meeting on 9th December at The Oulton Institute LS26, bring objects for Christmas still life photography and something for the fuddle.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting on 9th December at the Oulton Institute, bring objects for Christmas still life photography and something for the fuddle. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members.   

Have fun and meet people, The Fair Exchange Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers all are welcome on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers all are welcome on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.   

£5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday Morning at The Oulton Institute LS26.

£5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday Morning at The Oulton Institute.

Cycling and Geo cashing events being arranged look out for details as well as a Cycle Maintenance and security session LS26, contact Pauline for details.

 Cycling and Geo cashing events being arranged look out for details as well as a Cycle Maintenance and security session , contact Pauline for details.

Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group LS26.

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group. Contact others through Pauline or through the website 

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft LS26.

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft. 

Sign up for Computer classes, final arrangements as previous dates needed to be rearranged by tutor.

Sign up for Computer classes, Tuesday 1.30-3pm short introductory 6 week course final arrangements.

Sign up to The fair Exchange Weekly evening Sewing Class Thursdays, 7 -9pm at Woodlesford Church Hall Starts January 14th.

 Weekly evening Sewing Class Thursdays, 7 -9pm at Woodlesford Church Hall Starts January 14th.

The fair Exchange Carers support group next session is Wednesday 23rd December 1.30 – 3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26.

Carers support group next session is Wednesday 23rd December 1.30 – 3pm at the Oulton Institute.

The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class at the Oulton Institute LS26, £6 per session, materials extra, starter equipment provided.

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class, Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra, starter equipment provided. 

The fair Exchange COPD support group Wednesday 2nd December 1.30-3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26, with Breathe Easy .

COPD support group Wednesday 2nd December 1.30-3pm at the Oulton Institute, with Breathe Easy .

The Fair Exchange Community information Café Mondays 10- 11.30am, at the Oulton Institute. Find out what is happening in the local community.

The Fair Exchange Community information Café Mondays 10- 11.30am, at the Oulton Institute. Find out what is happening in the local community and support the In Bloom Groups book sale.

Sunday, 15 November 2015

The Fair Exchange at The Craft and Gift Fair Sunday 15th November at The Oulton Institute 10 -3.30pm.

The Fair Exchange at The Craft and Gift Fair Sunday 15th November at The Oulton Institute 10 -3.30pm. Come and see what is on offer !

Sunday, 8 November 2015

Find out about Fracking and what it means for our area as the Government has granted licences to launch exploratory drilling for fracking.Sunday 8th November 2 -5pm at the Oulton Institute.

Sorry for late notice, my Lap Top crashed !
Find out about Fracking and what it means for our area as the Government has granted licences to launch exploratory drilling for fracking.
Meet speakers and get to know more about the impact and the alternatives Sunday 8th November 2 -5pm at the Oulton Institute.

Sunday, 1 November 2015

Do you enjoy taking photographs? or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting 11th November 7pm LS26.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting 11th November 7pm, reviewing night time photographs in Leeds and organising a display at the Oulton Institute craft and Gift Fair . Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members.   

Feeling anxious ? Need a boost ? Feeling low? Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course LS26.

Feeling anxious ? Need a boost ? Feeling low?  Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course LS26. 

£5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday Morning at The Oulton Institute LS26.

£5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday Morning at The Oulton Institute.

Cycling and further Geocaching events being arranged LS26, look out for details as well as a cycle maintenance and security session.

Cycling and further Geocaching events being arranged LS26, look out for details as well as a cycle maintenance and security session, contact Pauline for details.

Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group LS26.

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group. Contact others through Pauline or through the website .

Are you interested in The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft ?

Sign up to The fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft. 

The Fair Exchange COPD support group due to start Wednesday 4th November 1.30-3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26 – check for details.

The Fair Exchange COPD support group due to start Wednesday 4th November 1.30-3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26 – check for details.

Places available on The Fair Exchange Weekly evening Sewing Class Thursdays, 7 -9pm at All Saints Parish Church Hall Woodlesford LS26.

Sign up to The Fair Exchange Weekly evening Sewing Class Thursdays, 7 -9pm at All saints Parish Church Hall Woodlesford some places available.

Sign up for Computer classes, Tuesday's 1.30-3pm short introductory 6 week course, final arrangements at the Oulton Institute.

Sign up for Computer classes, Tuesday's 1.30-3pm short introductory 6 week course, final arrangements at the Oulton Institute.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and more experienced dancers Tuesdays 8pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.   

The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class, Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class, Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra

The Fair Exchange Community information Café Mondays 10- 11.30am at the Oulton Institute LS26

The Fair Exchange Community information Café Mondays 10- 11.30am at the Oulton Institute LS26, find out what is happening in the local community and support the In Bloom Groups book sale.

The Fair Exchange Carers Support Group next session is Wednesday 25th November 1.30 – 3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26.

Carers Support Group next session is Wednesday 25th November 1.30 – 3pm at the Oulton Institute.

Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 19th November 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS26. The community meeting together to include those in need of support

 Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 19th November 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Find your families past, join us at The fair Exchange Research your Family Tree session Wednesday 18th November 6pm held at Rothwell Library LS26.

Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 18th November 6pm held at Rothwell Library. 

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat LS26 presenting more blankets and hats to St George’s Crypt.

The `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat presenting more blankets and hats to St George’s Crypt. Contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to The Fair Exchange Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 5th and 19th November at The Oulton Institute LS 26.

Come to Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 5th and 19th November at The Oulton Institute. Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one. 

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Contact The Fair Exchange for details of the Head Space course in LS26.

Need a boost ? Feeling low?  Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course. 

Want to declutter before December ? £5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday Morning at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Want to declutter before December ? £5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday Morning at The Oulton Institute.

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat are visiting and presenting more blankets to St George’s Crypt.

The `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat are presenting more blankets to St George’s Crypt. Contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to The Fair Exchange Create and Chat, the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 8th and 22nd October at The Oulton Institute.

Come to Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 8th and 22nd October at The Oulton Institute. Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one. 

‘Who do you think you are’ ? The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Wednesday 21st October 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 21st October 6pm held at Rothwell Library. 

Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 15th October 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS26.

 Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 15th October 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

All welcome to come and join us at The Fair Exchange Camera Club meeting Wednesday 14th October.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting Wednesday 14th October taking night time photographs in Leeds. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members.   

Geo cashing event being arranged this month in LS26 look out for the details.

 Geo cashing event being arranged this month look out for the details, a cycle maintenance and security session is also being planned, contact Pauline for details. 

Sign up to The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club LS26

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group. Contact others through Pauline or through the website.

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft to bowling.

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft to bowling. 

Sign up for The Fair Exchange Computer classes LS26, short introductory course and other courses.

Sign up for The Fair Exchange Computer classes, short introductory course final arrangements.

The Fair Exchange weekly evening Sewing Class Thursdays, final arrangements ! Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

The Fair Exchange weekly evening Sewing Class Thursdays, final arrangements ! Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

Sign up and reserve your place on The fair Exchange weekly Art Class, Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class, Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

Awaiting confirmation of The fair Exchange COPD support group planned to start Wednesday 7th October 1.30 - 3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26.

Awaiting confirmation of COPD support group planned to start Wednesday 7th October 1.30 - 3pm at the Oulton Institute.

The next Fair Exchange Carers support group session is planned for Wednesday 28th October 1.30 - 3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26.

The next Fair Exchange Carers support group session is planned for Wednesday 28th October 1.30 - 3pm at the Oulton Institute, contact Pauline for further details.

The Fair Exchange Community information Café Mondays 10- 11.30am at the Oulton Institute, find out what is happening in the local community.

The Fair Exchange Community information Café Mondays 10- 11.30am  at the Oulton Institute, find out what is happening in the local community. Serving toast and home made jam, bacon sandwiches and full English breakfast to order. Book sale to support Oulton and Woodlesford in Bloom.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.   

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Head Space course in LS26.

Need a boost ? Feeling low?  Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course.  

Cycle maintenance and security session and Geo cashing events in LS26 being arranged look out for details.

 Cycling and Geo cashing events being arranged look out for details as well as a cycle maintenance and security session, contact Pauline for details.

Fancy a bike ride ? Sign up to The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group in LS26.

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group. Contact others through Pauline or through the website 

The fair Exchange Computer course in LS26, details to be announced soon.

People have already signed up for Computer course, details to be announced soon.

The Fair Exchange Celebrating Success, join us for our 3rd Year celebration Friday 4th September 6-8.30pm at the Oulton Institute

The Fair Exchange Celebrating Success, join us for our 3rd Year celebration Friday 4th September 6-8.30pm at the Oulton Institute, demonstrations, displays and membership treats.

Sign up for The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model aircraft.

Sign up for Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model aircraft.

The Fair Exchange weekly evening Sewing Class final arrangements !

Weekly evening Sewing Class final arrangements ! Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

The Fair Exchange COPD Support Group starting soon in LS26.

Awaiting final details and confirmation of COPD support group to start in LS26. Contact Pauline if you or someone you know would like further details.  

The Fair Exchange Carers support group, supporting those who are supporting others, 1.30 - 3pm Wednesday 23rd September at the Oulton Institute LS26 working with Carers Leeds.

Recognising the important and fantastic role unpaid carers play. Carers support group started Wednesday 26th August at the Oulton Institute with a talk by Carers Leeds, next group session is planned for Wednesday 23rd September 1.30 - 3pm contact Pauline for further details.

Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 17th September 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS26. The community meeting together to include those in need of support.

 Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 17th September 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome on Tuesdays 8pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute. Friday Salsa Social, date to be confirmed at the end of September.  

‘Who do you think you are ? ’ Join us at The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Wednesday 16th September 6pm held at Rothwell Library LS26.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 16th September 6pm held at Rothwell Library.  

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat presented the 8 blankets to St George’s Crypt. Do you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting who would love to join ?

The `Knit at home’ scheme and Create and Chat presented the 8 blankets to St George’s Crypt on Thursday 2nd July and visited St George’s Crypt Monday 17th August, presenting another blanket to them. Contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to the new Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon 2 -3.30pm Thursday 10th and 24th September at The Oulton Institute LS26. Learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Come to the new Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 10th and 24th September at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one. Card making workshop is being finalised for 24th September.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting 7pm on 9th September at the Oulton Institute LS26

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting 9th September at the Oulton Institute 7pm. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members.   

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class, Monday’s 2 -3pm, next sessions start 7th September at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class, the next sessions start 7th September.  Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

The Fair Exchange information Café starts 7th September Mondays 10- 11.45am at the Oulton Institute LS26. Welcoming and supporting the community.

The Fair Exchange Information Café starts 7th September Mondays 10- 11.45am at the Oulton Institute LS26. Welcoming and supporting the community. Find out what is happening in the local community and support the In Bloom groups book sale.

Friday, 7 August 2015

The Fair Exchange Carers Support Group starts Wednesday 26th August 1.30 – 3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26

The Fair Exchange Carers Support Group starts Wednesday 26th August 1.30 – 3pm at the Oulton Institute, supporting those who are supporting others, looking after others can be very demanding and the group will give recognition for the fantastic role they play and giving them the opportunity to take an hour and a half away from caring to enable them to refresh and restore their energy.
Carers Leeds will be at the first Carers support group session on Wednesday 26th August. Join us, enjoy tea, coffee, refreshments, relax and talk to others.
It is important unpaid carers are acknowledged as crucial for the help provided to people with a health condition or disability. 
We hope to build a Carer friendly Community to support carers looking after their loved ones while recognising that they are individuals with needs of their own.

If you want further information, would like to attend or know someone who would like to attend  contact Pauline on 07780601917, fair_exchange@btinternet.com or through the website.    

Saturday, 1 August 2015

Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 20th August 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS26.

 Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 20th August  2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Start your Family tree with The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree, Wednesday 19th August 6pm held at Rothwell Library LS26.

 Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 19th August 6pm held at Rothwell Library. 

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme presented 8 blankets to St George’s Crypt on Thursday 2nd July and will visit the crypt in August.

The `Knit at home’ scheme presented the 8 blankets to St George’s Crypt on Thursday 2nd July and will visit the crypt in August, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to The Fair Exchange Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions Thursday 13th and 27th August 2 -3.30pm LS26.

Come to Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 13th and 27th  August at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

The Fair Exchange Camera Club meeting 12th August LS26

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting 12th August at the Oulton Institute 7pm. We may be out taking photographs so contact Pauline to check arrangements. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members.   

Sign up to the Head Space course LS26.

 Feeling low?  Need a boost ?   Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course.  

The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club and Cycle events LS26

Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group. Contact others through Pauline or through the website . Look out for details as well as a cycle maintenance and security session, contact Pauline for details.
Sign up to Wild Boar Challenge organised by Rothwell Lions.

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club LS26

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft. Would you like to join the club ? 

The Fair Exchange weekly evening Sewing Class starting in September LS26

 Hope we have found a sewing bee for a weekly evening Sewing Class as people are interested in a weekly Sewing class. Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute LS26 8PP.

Have fun and meet people, Salsa sessions for beginners and the more experienced dancers all are welcome on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Sign up and reserve your place on The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class, the next sessions start in September at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Sign up and reserve your place on The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class, the next sessions start in September. Join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

The Fair Exchange Carers and COPD support groups starting in August in LS26

Carers and COPD support groups starting in August contact Pauline for further details.  Just waiting for confirmation of Carers Leeds  talk arranged through support group coordinator at the first Carers support group. 

Starting soon ! The Fair Exchange information Cafe and Computer classes.

Look out for details of The Fair Exchange information Cafe and sign up for Computer classes.

Monday, 13 July 2015

The Fair Exchange Salsa class Tuesday 14th July 8 -9pm, Om is guest teacher at the the Oulton Institute Leeds LS26.

Get the latin fever, join the fun, enjoy the music and feel better. Absolute beginners and more experienced dancers welcome to join us.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Have fun and meet people, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute Leeds 26. Book 4 sessions and get the 5th one free in July.

Have fun and meet people, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join Salsa sessions  on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute. Book 4 sessions and get the 5th one free in July.  

£5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday 10am -12 noon at The Oulton Institute LS26, demand will determine if it is a monthly event.

£5 to book your table for the next table top sale being planned for a Saturday 10am -12 noon at The Oulton Institute, demand will determine if it is a monthly event (with the next being July) .   

Cycling, cycle maintenance and security session and Geo cashing events being arranged in LS 26, look out for details.

  Cycling and Geo cashing events being arranged look out for details as well as a cycle maintenance and security session ,sign up and look out for further details.

Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group in LS26.

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group. Contact others through Pauline or through the website 

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft. First session being planned for September in LS26.

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, from wood work to model air craft. First session being planned for September. 

Hope we have found a sewing bee for The Fair exchange weekly evening Sewing Class in LS26

 Hope we have found a sewing bee for a weekly evening Sewing Class as people are interested in a weekly Sewing class. Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class for the next 10 weeks sessions Starting in September Monday’s 2 -3pm Starting in September at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra.

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class for the next 10 weeks sessions Starting in September, join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

Look out for details of The Fair Exchange information Cafe and and sign up for Computer classes.Leeds LS26

Look out for details of The Fair Exchange information Cafe and and sign up for Computer classes.

Need a boost ? Feeling low? sign up to the Head Space course LS26.

Need a boost ? Feeling low?  Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course.  

The `Knit at home’ scheme is handing over the 8 blankets completed to St George’s Crypt on Thursday 2nd July at The Oulton Institute LS26.

The `Knit at home’ scheme is handing over the 8 blankets completed to St George’s Crypt on Thursday 2nd July, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 2nd, 16th and 30th July at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Come to the new Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 2nd, 16th and 30th  July at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Watched ‘Who Do You Think You Are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree? Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 15th July 6pm held at Rothwell Library LS26.

Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 15th July 6pm held at Rothwell Library. 

Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 16th July 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS 26.

 Cosy Corner Community Cafe Thursday 16th July 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? The Fair Exchange Camera Club LS 26 Wednesday 8th July at 7 pm, we may be out taking photographs so contact Pauline to check arrangements.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting now at The Oulton Institute on Wednesday 8th July at 7 pm, we may be out taking photographs so contact Pauline to check arrangements. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members.   

Saturday, 27 June 2015

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Monday, 1 June 2015

The `Knit at home’ scheme, blankets to charities, for those who love knitting and crocheting but find it difficult to get out and would love to join.

The `Knit at home’ scheme, blankets to charities, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Remembering Day trips and Holidays at The Cosy Corner Memory Cafe Thursday 18th June 2 - 3.30pm at Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall, bring your memories and photos .

Cosy Corner Memory cafe Thursday 18th June 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

The Fair Exchange Create and Chat, Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 4th and 18th June at The Oulton Institute LS26

Come to the new Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 4th and 18th June at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree? Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 17th June 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 17th June 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

The Fair Exchange Camera Club out at Temple Newsam on Wednesday 10th June meeting at 6.30 pm.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club (meeting now at The Oulton Institute) out at Temple Newsam on Wednesday 10th June at 6.30 pm. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members. Contact Pauline for details.  

Join our friendly group at The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class sessions Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute LS26

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class sessions join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

Get the Latin feel good factor at Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute

Get a spring in your step and get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

The Fair Exchange and the Head Space course in LS26

Need a boost ? Feeling low? Lost your confidence ?  Contact Pauline for details of the Head Space course. 

The Fair Exchange Table top sale being planned for 10am -12 noon Sunday 28th June at The Oulton Institute.

Book your table for the next table top sale being planned for 10am -12 noon Sunday 28th June at The Oulton Institute.   

Sign up toThe Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club LS26

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or using this website.

 A cycle maintenance and security session is being arranged contact Pauline for details.

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club LS26

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, contact Pauline for details of the monthly sessions and to book the sessions. 

Look out for details of The Fair Exchange information Cafe and Computer classes. LS26

Look out for details of The Fair Exchange information Cafe and Computer classes . Book your places now for the computer courses.

A possible tutor has been found for The Fair Exchange weekly evening Sewing Class LS26

A possible tutor has been found for weekly evening Sewing Class to pass on their skills, people have signed up to express an interest in a weekly Sewing class. Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

The Fair Exchange Table Top Sale at The Oulton Institute LS26 8SX Sunday 31st May 10am -12 noon

Want to declutter ? Book a table at The Fair Exchange Table Top Sale at The Oulton Institute LS26 8SX Sunday 31st May 10am -12 noon, £5 for a table. Looking for a bargain ? Come and see what is on offer.

Friday, 15 May 2015

The Fair Exchange LS26, Salsa Exchange, Salsa Social evening at The Oulton Institute 29th May 8.30 - 11.45pm

Decided if we I can’t get to salsa we will get salsa to come to us ! Om is helping make that happen, sorry if it clashes with other events, we tried not to but salsa is a busy scene which is what we enjoy ! Hope you can make time to spend some good friendly salsa time with us, Om, Sean and myself, on Friday 29th May, at the Oulton Institute  LS26 8SX , 8.30pm until we have to leave the building  by 12 midnight (pumpkin time if you are a modern day Cinderella !)  Om will be doing  a short fun salsa class and then the night is for dancing. Bring your own drink and nibbles £5 entry, an inexpensive fun evening. We hope you can join us, we would love to see some of our Salsa buddies as we have not seen them for a while.

Friday, 1 May 2015

The `Knit at home’ scheme, 3 blankets to be presented to charities this month, further details to follow.

The `Knit at home’ scheme, 3 blankets to be presented to charities this month, further details to follow. Contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join creating squares for blankets.

Remembering Whitsuntide, Gala’s and fetes at `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 21st May 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall LS26.

 Remembering Whitsuntide, Gala’s and fetes at `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 21st May 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Come to The Fair Exchange Create and Chat, the Craft and Social afternoons, 2 -3.30pm Thursday 7th and 21st May at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Come to the new Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 7th and 21st May at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

‘Who do you think you are ? The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Wednesday 20th May 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 20th May 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

Camera Club meeting now at The Oulton Institute on Wednesday 13th May at 7 pm. This session will be part of the Camera Club Course.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting now at The Oulton Institute on Wednesday 13th May at 7 pm. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members. Contact Pauline for details.  

Get a spring in your step and get the Latin feel good factor, Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8- 9pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Get a spring in your step and get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Book your table for the 2nd Clear out and De- clutter event, now a table top sale being planned in May at The Oulton Institute LS26

Book your table for the 2nd Clear out and De- clutter event, now as a table top sale being planned for a Sunday Morning 10 -12 noon in May at The Oulton Institute. £5 per table date to be confirmed shortly.   

Interest grows for The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club, Have you registered ?

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website www.thefairexchange.org.uk

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club activities programme to be announced shortly in LS26

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club activities programme to be announced shortly, contact Pauline for details of the sessions. 

Details to be released soon about The Fair Exchange Information Cafe and Computer Classes LS26.

Look out for details of The Fair Exchange information Cafe and Computer classes soon to be announced.

The Fair Exchange Art Class Monday's 2-3pm at the Oulton Institute LS26

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class for the next 10 weeks sessions starting 27th April join our friendly group Monday’s 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme creating blankets for charities.

The `Knit at home’ scheme creating blankets for charities, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Come to the new Create and Chat Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 9th and 23rd April at The Oulton Institute LS26 .

Come to the new Create and Chat Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm Thursday 9th and 23rd April at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

‘Who do you think you are’? Join us at The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Wednesday 15th April 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 15th April 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

A guest is giving a talk and bringing some of her antiques collection to `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe' Thursday 16th April 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall.

A guest is bringing a selection of her antiques collection and giving a talk at the `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe' Thursday 16th April 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? The Fair Exchange Camera Club meeting in The Oulton Institute LS26 on Wednesday 8th April at 7 pm.

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting in The Oulton Institute on Wednesday 8th April at 7 pm. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course for new and existing members. Contact Pauline for details.  

Get the Latin feel good factor, join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute LS26. Beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome

Strictly may have ended but get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Feeling low ? Need a boost ? Build emotional resilience with The Head Space course.

Need a boost ? Feeling low? Build emotional resilience with The Head Space course. Contact Pauline for details  .  

Book your table for The Fair Exchange Table Top Sale Sunday 26th April 10am -12 noon at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Book your table for the 2nd Clear out and De- clutter event, now a table top sale Sunday 26th April 10am -12 noon at The Oulton Institute.   

Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club LS26

 Fancy a bike ride but want to go with others ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact Pauline or leave a message here.

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club first session planned for April.

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, first session planned for April, contact Pauline for details. 

A Sewing Bee is needed to lead The Fair Exchange weekly evening Sewing Class LS26

A sewing bee is needed to lead a weekly evening Sewing Class and pass on their skills, as people are interested in a weekly Sewing class. Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

The Fair Exchange Art Class enrolling for the next 10 week sessions starting on Monday 20th April 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute LS26

Sign up and reserve your place on the weekly Art Class enrolling for the next 10 weeks sessions starting on Monday 20th April  2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Renewable Energy Focus Group informal community information event Sunday 22nd March 3 - 4.30pm at The Oulton Institute LS26.

Renewable Energy Focus Group

Worried about escalating fuel bills ?
Want to be more sustainable and be self- sufficient with your energy ?
Want energy to be green and, respect the environment ?
Want to know about renewables, Solar PV, Solar Thermal
 Air Source Heat Pumps, biomass ?

Come to an informal community information event, a relaxed no pressure space where you can ask questions.
Naturally Powerful Solutions and The Renewable Energy Guild will explain, provide information and answer your renewable energy questions.
Explore energy saving and eco-friendly methods such as water harvesting systems.
Energy saving information from The Green doctor and the Council.
Sunday 22nd March 3 - 4.30pm at The Oulton Institute.
We hope you can join us.

Sunday, 1 March 2015

`Cosy Corner Community Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 19th March 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall.

  `Cosy Corner  Community Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 19th March 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers on Wednesday 11th March at 7 pm. Special discount offer 6 week beginners course £48

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers on Wednesday 11th March at 7 pm. Special discount offer -6 week beginners course £48 for new and existing members. Contact Pauline for details.  

Head Space course being planned in LS26

Need a boost ? Head Space course.  Contact Pauline for details.

The Fair Exchange Table top Sale planned for April LS26

Book your table for the 2nd Clear out and De- clutter event, now as a table top sale being planned for a Sunday Morning in April at The Oulton Institute.   

Cycle maintenance and security session LS26

Got a new bike ? The cycle maintenance and security session is being re-arranged contact Pauline for details.

The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good' Cycle Club an informal cycling group LS26

 Fancy a bike ride but don't want to go alone ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ' Cycle Club an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website. 

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club, first session planned for April, contact Pauline for details

Sewing Bee needed for The Fair Exchange weekly Sewing class LS26

Anyone able to lead a weekly evening Sewing Class and pass on their skills would be most welcome, as people are interested in a weekly Sewing class. Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute. LS26

Get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute, £5 per session. A friendly and welcoming group what ever your level of experience.  

The Fair Exchange weekly Art Class on Mondays 2 -3 pm at The Oulton Institute

New members welcome to sign up to the weekly Art Class on Mondays  2 -3 pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra. 

The Fair Exchange `Knit at home’ scheme, blankets to charities.

The `Knit at home’ scheme, blankets to charities, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, new fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm starting Thursday 12th March at The Oulton Institute.

Come to the new Create and Chat the Craft and Social afternoon, new trial fortnightly sessions 2 -3.30pm starting on Thursday 12th March at The Oulton Institute . Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

The Fair Exchange ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club Woodlesford area

 Want to improve your fitness or just enjoy cycling ? Sign up to ‘2 Wheels Good ‘ Cycle Club an informal cycling group for those who would like to cycle, or would feel safer cycling, in the company of others. Contact others through Pauline or through the website 

Sewing Bee needed by The Fair Exchange to lead a weekly sewing class.

Are you a sewing bee ? Your skills are needed to lead a sewing class and pass on your skills . Are you are interested in the weekly Sewing class ? Please contact Pauline if you wish to join us.

Weekly Art Class on Mondays 2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute

Contact us if you are interested in the weekly Art Class on Mondays  2 -3pm at The Oulton Institute £6 per session, materials extra.

Head Space course.

Need a boost ? Head Space is a course for those who are feeling the stresses in their lives, or not enjoying life as much as they did, or not feeling as confident as they were.  Contact Pauline for details.

The `Knit at home’ scheme for those who love knitting and crocheting but find it difficult to get out.

The `Knit at home’ scheme, blankets to charities, contact us if you know someone who loves knitting and crocheting but finds it difficult to get out and would love to join.

Create and Chat the monthly Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 26th February at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm.

Come to the new Create and Chat the monthly Craft and Social afternoon on Thursday 26th February at The Oulton Institute 1.30- 3.30pm. There may be a weekly session if there is enough interest. Join us for a drink and a chat and learn a new skill or pick up an old one.

The Fair Exchange Research your Family Tree Wednesday 19th February 6pm held at Rothwell Library.

  Watched ‘Who do you think you are’ but don’t know where to start with your own Family Tree?  Join us at Research your Family Tree Wednesday 19th February 6pm held at Rothwell Library. Please contact Pauline for details of computer bookings, you can apply or renew your Library card at the start of the session.

`Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘ Thursday 19th February 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall.

  Community Memory Cafe, `Cosy Corner Memory Cafe‘  Thursday 19th February 2-3.30pm at The Woodlesford Methodist Church Hall. The community meeting together to include those in need of support with  Peter Smith of the Tea Cosy Memory Cafe in Rothwell offering Support and guidance. If anyone is interested in making Woodlesford and Oulton a dementia friendly community please contact Pauline.

The Fair Exchange Camera Club open evening Wednesday 11th February 7 pm at The Two Pointers

Do you enjoy taking photographs? Want to know how to take better holiday snaps, family pictures or want to improve your photography? All welcome to come and join us at our next Camera Club meeting in The Two Pointers Wednesday 11th February at 7 pm on. Contact Pauline for details.  

The Fair Exchange Salsa Classes Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.

New class members joining  weekly. Strictly may have ended but get the Latin feel good factor, beginners and the more experienced dancers are welcome to join the Salsa sessions on Tuesdays 8-9pm at The Oulton Institute.  

The Fair Exchange Menz Own interest and hobbies Club

Menz Own interest and hobbies Club is in the final planning stages, contact Pauline for details.

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Postponed - Cycle Security and Maintenance Event 25th January 11am -3pm at Woodlesford Lock

Cycle Security and Maintenance Event 25th January 11am -3pm at Woodlesford Lock. The new date will be posted shortly.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Come to Clear out and De- clutter event Sunday 1st February 2 – 4pm at The Oulton Institute.

Need to declutter and make space for your new items after Christmas ? Come to Clear out and De- clutter event Sunday 1st February 2 – 4pm at The Oulton Institute.  

Friday, 9 January 2015

Camera Club special offer 50% off Camera course.

Special Offer for 2015

The Fair Exchange Camera Club in conjunction with Michael Dean Photography is offering new and existing members the opportunity to improve their photography skills in 2015.

We will be running a beginners/improvers Photography course starting in January and running through to the end of June. The course will run every Wednesday Evening from 7-9pm at the Two Pointers pub, Woodlesford, for 21 weeks, plus 3 Saturday or Sunday field trips. That adds up to 54 hours of tutor led training with a qualified teacher and photographer.

The Camera Club normally runs on the second Wednesday of every month and membership is currently £10 per year plus £1 per club night. The club will continue to run as normal during the course and will be an integral part of the learning for those taking part.

The cost for the course is at a special discounted rate for existing or new members of £230 this will include one year’s membership of the Fair Exchange Camera Club and club night fees for the duration of the course.

So if you’ve got a new camera for Christmas, you’ve had one for a while but don’t know how to use it or you just want to improve your photography, then come and join us for this special course and gain the skills and confidence to take photographs you’ll be proud of.

The course will be restricted to 12 attendees on a first come basis.

For more information, payment options and to book your place on the course please contact:

Pauline Hope at the Fair Exchange Camera Club
Phone: 07780 601917


Michael Dean Photography  
Phone: 0113 2526096
Mobile: 07831 238398

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Camera Club Special Discount Offer on Photography Course - What is covered

Special Offer for 2015

The Fair Exchange Camera Club in conjunction with Michael Dean Photography is offering new and existing members the opportunity to improve their photography skills in 2015.

We will be running a beginners/improvers Photography course starting in January and running through to the end of June. The course will run every Wednesday Evening from 7-9pm at the Two Pointers pub, Woodlesford, for 21 weeks, plus 3 Saturday or Sunday field trips. That adds up to 54 hours of tutor led training with a qualified teacher and photographer.

The Camera Club normally runs on the second Wednesday of every month and membership is currently £10 per year plus £1 per club night. The club will continue to run as normal during the course and will be an integral part of the learning for those taking part.

The cost for the course is at a special discounted rate for existing or new members of £230 this will include one year’s membership of the Fair Exchange Camera Club and club night fees for the duration of the course.

So if you’ve got a new camera for Christmas, you’ve had one for a while but don’t know how to use it or you just want to improve your photography, then come and join us for this special course and gain the skills and confidence to take photographs you’ll be proud of.

The course will be restricted to 12 attendees on a first come basis.

For more information, payment options and to book your place on the course please contact:

Pauline Hope at the Fair Exchange Camera Club
Phone: 07780 601917


Michael Dean Photography  
Phone: 0113 2526096
Mobile: 07831 238398

What will I learn?
The course is both classroom and location based where you will learn how to operate your DSLR camera as well as gain an understanding of the fundamentals of photography, all learning is supported by practical exercises. The following topics will be covered:

·         About your camera controls, menus and settings
·         Different camera controls – aperture priority, shutter priority and manual 
·         Basic camera techniques – using different shutter speeds, aperture, ISO settings to correctly expose your images
·         The use of different lenses and other accessories
·         Composition and visual language
·         Auto and manual focus and use of focus points
·         White balance
·         Metering modes
·         File formats /Image quality
·         On camera flash
·         Introduction to post processing your images

During the course you will also learn about and practice taking photographs in different photographic genre such as low light, landscape, still life, black & white, portraiture and close-up/macro. As well as the weekly sessions there will also be three field trips to different locations, these will normally be on a Saturday or Sunday. 

The course is structured to be enjoyable and informative, it is very hands on and there will be tasks and projects to complete throughout the course to help you understand and master the techniques you have learnt. 

You will be provided with course handouts and will put together a portfolio of your own photographic work as a record of what you have achieved throughout the course.

Additional Costs and Requirements
·         You must have use of a Digital SLR Camera, Bridge Camera or Compact System Camera or Compact camera with full manual controls.
·         A tripod will be needed for some of the classes
·         You will be expected to print your own photographs for your portfolio
·        You will need to make your own way to the field trips